Membership of Bowral Dressage Club offers the following benefits:

  • Save $10 on every test with your membership discount. Your membership pays for itself in no time

  • Eligibility to enter the Club Members Championship Competition

  • Eligibility for the BDC Leaderboard with Annual Awards

  • Opportunity to become part of the BDC Committee and associated sub-committees with voting rights at the AGM

  • Priority access to BDC Adult rider clinics and Young Rider activities such as inclusion on BDC sponsored teams 

Bowral Dressage Club annual membership period runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. Costs are as follows:

  • Senior (over 21) - $45

  • Family - $65

  • Young Rider (under 21) - $35

  • Supporter (non-rider) - $25

  • Life Membership - $500

To become a member of Bowral Dressage Club or to renew your membership, please click on the following link Nominate.