Membership of Bowral Dressage Club offers the following benefits:
Save $10 on every test with your membership discount. Your membership pays for itself in no time
Eligibility to enter the Club Members Championship Competition
Eligibility for the BDC Leaderboard with Annual Awards
Opportunity to become part of the BDC Committee and associated sub-committees with voting rights at the AGM
Priority access to BDC Adult rider clinics and Young Rider activities such as inclusion on BDC sponsored teams
Bowral Dressage Club annual membership period runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. Costs are as follows:
Senior (over 21) - $45
Family - $65
Young Rider (under 21) - $35
Supporter (non-rider) - $25
Life Membership - $500
To become a member of Bowral Dressage Club or to renew your membership, please click on the following link Nominate.